Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I have been so busy lately that I haven't been able to post up a new blog. Nothing has happen lately in my life. Today I found a website call chictopia. It's like a blog/facebook/twitter thing. Correct me if I'm wrong, anyways I'm new there and so I'm not 100% right or wrong. It's a fashion site for any business owner who is into the world of fashion to get to post up there business. And also for personals like myself to get to know other people who has the same kind of style or taste like me. It sounds pretty cool, so I'm gonna gave it a try. I'm still not sure about what the points and reward is all about. And still trying to find my way around there. I haven't upload any pictures at all lately. Oh gosh I'm procrastinating again.

So for those who doesn't know what this website is about, check it out. You might just fall in love with it.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nerd Glass

Everywhere I go I see people with these really big nerdy glass. About maybe a decade or two ago, you would've been tease and bully for being a nerd. Now in 2010 and so on, nerd has become a big fashion trend in our society. Teens nowadays wears very colorful nerd glass and big sparkling diva like sun glasses.

These Trends are really cool, BUT is there a wrong and right way of how to wear these glasses. Me, I personally say NO! To me it's the same thing as wearing regular glasses, instead of just plane black and brown they now have colors. Let's say you have a bad outfit day, just throw on one of these glass and you're good to go. Cause why? These glass are not boring they are filled with color or colors. It will totally bring a different looks to your outfit. If that's not enough throw on a scarf. Scarf is a great accessories for boys and girls. Just one or two little things could really make a different in your everyday looks. Fashion now is a blast of the past. They're all coming back!!

But for the sparkling diva kind of glasses, I'm not so sure. I love the looks and everything, but to me it's just going a little over board. Kind of like trying to hard to put your outfit of the day together. And most of the times it's mostly the D-bag who's wearing it. If you do decide to wear it, wear it with confident, not cocky confident, woman don't like guys who depend too much on their good looks and their cockyness. Big turn off.
(This post is not to offend anyone in anyway, it's just an opinion from a different view.)

Monday, February 7, 2011


So today at work I was asking a co-worker about cars, cause I absolutely don't know anything about it. There is all these letters for what ever gear, I've never even knew what they stand for the only one I know is P for Park, N for Neutral, R for Reverse and then there is D for Drive. But instead just D it has D1, D2, D3, D4 and I was like, "what the hell is all this 1, 2, and 3 numbers for".

Well he was like its just how strong you want your car to go or something like that. I'm not so sure, then all of a sudden we was talking about which kind of cars saves more gas and how you can prevent using too much gas too. For sure I'm 100% for hybrid cars.

Here's the trick, instead of speeding to past a red light try not speeding that takes up so much gas when you're pushing on the accelerator. And instead of braking really close to a stop, try braking from a far distance, just let the car slow down by itself and slowly step on the brake towards the end. Don't step and go not good. And I guess it's also good for your brakes too. Always remember to get oil change after a certain among of mileages. That prevents  the car from breaking down and prevent your car from smoking up. You know what I mean smoking up? It's like when you're driving down some street and some car speed up from behind you, leaving a cloud of black smoke. Yep, that's what I meant, so remember to change your oil. If you don't, its gonna get all stick and gooey and it'll get clog up. You would rather spent a couple of dollars then end up spending thousands of dollars on fixing it.

My #1 rule of thumb for everything is 'Always try to prevent it, then try fixing it later'. That rule of thumb goes for everything in life not just cars. Correct me if I'm wrong I know everything I'm saying here isn't all gonna be facts. I'm not an expert in automotive and I just know how to drive, put gas, refill coolant and all that simple stuff. So I hope that these tips are some what helpful. And Cars is some what your best investment. Well at least its' mine so far. If you have other tips let me know...

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Baby Girl!!!

Hey everyone, so since I've been snooping around my sister's facebook page I discover some pictures of my daughter when she was like 7 or 8 months old. OMG I cannot believe her face has not change. Maybe a little, and I also saw a video that my sister took of her crying. She was really cry, real tears, real sound, just real cry. And now she's like 20 months and all she does now is fake crying just to get some attention. It's so funny and cute.

You see, that's real isn't it? Too bad I don't have time to upload a current one. I'm such a procrastinator. Here is some more of her at our first apartment.

She so adorable. Yep that's her dad behind her, he's holding my very good friend's baby girl. They're born (I think) 1 or 2 months apart, my girl is older. My friend's baby is so chubby, cause her grandma fed too much milk for that girl that's why she's as big as my daughter. And yes, I've said it before, my baby's daddy is Hispanic. He's from Guatemala. Her eyes are huge compare to my friend's daughter.
It's not the best picture that I've got cause it's kind of shaky but you get the point. Full Asian and half Asian.
Yea, by the way the one the left is Xemina (aka Mina) and my daughter's name is Myrha. Alrighty...talk to you guys next time.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Sorry everybody, I've been really busy with work lately. I just pull a second job and I have completely no free time, so thats why I haven't put up a new post. I'm just exhuasting and aching from work. Anyway, here is the latest, I've recently decover a website for shoes, clothing, etc., all the goodies. It's call Bare Feet, and they are awesome. They have the cutest shoes and apparal and it's very cheap and affordable. The website is www.barefeetshoes.com so check it out your gonna love it. Here are some shoe example from their site:

There soooo cute and they're at a very decent affordable price. I'm a shoe lover, looking at shoes online or shopping for them makes me very happy. I'm just a girl....hehe..

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane part 2

So I finally finish The miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, all I can said is that it's a great, I mean GREAT book. I loved it. It's sad and depressing at time, but it really open your mind about your own feeling. And like most books and movies it does have a happy ending. The feeling of good-bye is not an easy feeling.

I really recommended this book for those of you who started reading like I did or just for anybody who wants to journey into other books. It's really good, and your not gonna regret reading it, cause it's not gonna be a waste of your time. Besides this here is a quote from the book itself. This quote was quoted at the beginning of the book, not in the story.

The heart breaks and breaks
and lives by breaking.
it is necessary to go
through dark and deeper dark
and not to turn.

--from "The Testing-Tree," by Stanley Kunitz

For anybody who has not read this book should really go out and read it, it's just that good.

So on to fashion now, I'll post up a picture of my nail cause I just got it done (I did it myself). Its not the best but it's gorgeous. So tomorrow check it out, aight.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

Last night I started reading a child's book about a rabbit. Its a chapter book about a china rabbit who loves nobody but himself. I know that I haven't read, in like forever, this is the first book I have read in about close to four years. Which is a very long time. Usually I'm not a book worm or that into books. I usually fall asleep about two to four paragraph down, or get bore to death out of it. But there was something interesting about the first chapter of this book that caught my attention. So then I was really drown to it. This book is really good, I have a feeling that I might going to finish this book. Yea for me...!!!!

Yea, Yea, I know its a child's book but for started again like me this is a great place to start. I hope to get more into books in the future. So until next time, I'll keep an update on my blog. Yea...

Friday, January 28, 2011

My First!!!!!!

OMG!!!! So blogging has been around for along time, and NOW I finally made one...yeaaaa!!! Haha. I love it. I use to just read off of other people's blog and I was like "Imma create one when I have the time." Well, I have plenty of time, I'm such a procrastinator that's why I didn't get anything done. But now, I'm in the game with everyone... *high five*

Let's see..., something about me. I have a daughter, she is going to be 2 years at the end of May. She is half Asian and half Guatemala (cuz her daddy is Guatemalan) She's so adorable, and cute. I love her. Besides that me and my sisters (meaning my two younger sister) have a total of 7 (SEVEN) dogs. We're just some weird animal lovers. Me, myself have one Pit bull (Rad), and two chihuahua (Nunu, Suga). One other thing, they don't get along, my pit and chihuahua. Rad she is adorable she's fine with the chihuahua but it's the tiny small ones that loves to act up. They can't be in the same room without barking. And the other dogs are chihuahua too. We have one male, and six female, and two mix breed chihuahua. The mix breed is sister and they are super, I mean super naughty. They are just outta control, they're chewing random things, pooping peeing eeeeverywhere. Serious don't get chihuahua, they are just so naughty, just saying. But I love all of them... What can I say they're just soooo cute...!!

This first one is Rad, she is a female red nose Pit. She's not the short big headed pit, her type is mostly use in Pit Bull fights (not nice at all). She's so cute. She has a history of violence against other dogs, when we had her she still has scars and wound from previous. My guess is that her previous owner must have put her into many fights. But now she's in a good stable home and safe and away from all those ungrateful things. She's a survival...

This is Nunu she's the eeevil chihuahua. She acts really cute, BUT no one other then my brothers and sisters and me can touch her. She'll bite. She's very territory...That's why she's a chihuahua...

And this is Suga, she's looks like a cat. So cute and funny looking. And about her past I'm not gonna post, just let me say it's not that bad but it's not all good either.

More to come.... I have to still upload all my pictures to my computer so, so long ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, by the way I forgot to mention I love fashions so you'll probably see some fashion going on in here...
Next Time